Monday, 28 November 2011

Fwd: drain upgrade at Pykett

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Yan Lee <>
Date: November 29, 2011 11:25:14 GMT+08:00
Cc: "" <>
Subject: drain upgrade at Pykett


Thank you for upgrading the drains.

Please make a study on the whole road and drains system in the area. Covering Pykett, Westland, Khaw Sim Bee and Padang Victoria.

The drains covers at Perak Road , every time it rains , they "blow up" please look at the reason why, it keeps being patched up only.

Please have this publicise for public to comment.

Be CAT dont be like the BN people.

Thank you YB CHOW.

Thank u for a new Malaysia.

मेरे ipad से भेजा

Saturday, 19 November 2011

20Pykett fogging by MPPP 18/11/11

Great to see that MPPP is taking care of the residence in the
surrounding area, concerns for dengue out break.

MPPP has arranged fogging to kill mosquitos.

Thank you YDP and all from MPPP

Thank you for a new Malaysia.

Residents meeting with YB CHOW on 20Pykett

YB Chow our YB took time off to talk to the residence at Pykett,
Westland , KhawSimBee and Padang Victoria.

We thank you YB CHOW for caring for us.